Thursday, February 1, 2018

February 2018 Newsletter

The next meeting will be FEB 6th at 7PM. Please send, $60 dues which are due Jan. 1st, to PO Box 795 Mitchell SD. Please include legible E-Mail. Also include your NRA number. I have included phone numbers for our range officers just in case of questions. You can always call me if in doubt about a scheduled shooting day or night. Please remember all help is voluntary and issues do occur. On Jan. 22nd we lost one of our long time members Earl Giedd, age 77. He was a great member and friend. He will be missed by me and others. Chuck 996-4190 or 999-3578 AS always thanks to you the members for making what we do a success. Chuck I would like to thank Glen Lowrie for his cash donation to DSC in addition to his normal dues.